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Further Thoughts on Choosing a Fertility Clinic

03:00 13th February 2014 | Accredited IVF Centre

Quality Mangement IVF Treatment Ovarian Stimulation Protocol Maintainance Laboratory Media Incubators Room Temperature VOC Egg Collection Follicular Fluid HFEA Reproductive Medicine IVF Specialists Biological Science Obstetrician Gyneacologist Professional Body

What does quality management mean to you?
Quality management ensures that the IVF treatment that you receive is good enough to provide you with your best chance of getting pregnant. It means;

Your egg yield for IVF is optimal. Ovarian stimulation protocols are tailored to the selected patient’s parameters to assure adequate egg yield, adequacy being a function of the quality and quantity of the eggs, at egg collection. The handl...
Embryo vitrification relieves some of the stress of an IVF treatment cycle

Embryo vitrification relieves some of the stress of an IVF treatment cycle

03:02 16th January 2014 | Embryo Freezing

Embryo Vitrification New Technique Cryopreservation Bridge Clinic IVF Treatment Spare Embryos Pregnancy Ovarian Stimulation

The technique of embryo vitrification is an improvement on the older embryo freezing technique of slow freezing of the embryos. The pregnancy rates reported with cryopreservation are the same as those seen with fresh embryo transfer. Indeed, we have confirmed this with our work at The Bridge Clinic. It is normal to generate more than two embryos following IVF treatment. The spare embryos can be vitrified for transfer two or three months...

Is it ethical to transfer embryos before the 5th day?

03:07 12th January 2014 | Embryo Culture

Fertilisation Fallopian Tubes Natural Conception Fertilised Eggs Implantation IVF Treatment Cycle Embryo Transfer Day 5 5th Day Blatocyst Culture Conditions Quality Management System IVF Clinics Bridge Clinic Pregnancy

Fertilisation of the egg by the sperm occurs within the Fallopian tubes during a natural conception. The fertilised egg travels along the Fallopian tube to get to the uterus for implantation on the 5th day after fertilisation.

It has increasingly been shown that implantation rates and hence pregnancy rates are much higher when embryos are cultured to the fifth day before transfer in an IVF treatment cycle.

The risk, of course is t...

Steps to IVF Treatment – Results

03:54 23rd December 2013 | In-Vitro Fertilisation

Counselling Review Consultation Donor Eggs Donor Sperms Counsellor Emotional Support

Professional counseling services are offered freely to all couples undergoing treatment at The Bridge Clinic. We recommend that every couple use these facilities. The  counselor’s role is to assist couples by exploring and evaluating all the possible treatment alternatives , prepare for the treatment ahead, and offer ongoing support .  In particular, we urge all couples undergoing treatment using donor eggs or sperm to rece...

Steps to IVF Treatment – After Embryo Transfer

03:55 18th December 2013 | In-Vitro Fertilisation

Pregnancy Test Embryo Implanting Ectopic Pregnancy Vaginal Ultrasound

For the next two weeks, you should try and carry on with your every day life as normally as possible, as rest, holidays, taking time off work etc, will not increase the chances of the embryos implanting and thus pregnancy.  If you have not had a period 14 days after egg collection, you should have a pregnancy test performed on a sample of early morning urine. If the test is positive, we will arrange a vaginal ultrasound one week later, ...

Steps to IVF Treatment – Embryo Transfer

03:59 9th December 2013 | In-Vitro Fertilisation

Embryo Grading Embryo Transfer Cervix FSH Injections Uterus Assisted Hatching Blastocyst Transfer Zona Pellucida PGD PGS

The next step in the IVF treatment process after the Egg collection process is the Embryo grading and transfer.

Embryo Grading
Embryo grading takes place on the day of embryo transfer. Embryos are graded visually looking at them under the microscope. We look at the shape of the embryo’s cells and assess how smoothly the cells are dividing by looking for fragmentation. Ideally, there should be no fragmentation as in a grade one embryo.&...

Steps to IVF Treatment – Egg Collection

04:01 2nd December 2013 | In-Vitro Fertilisation

Egg Collection Embryologist Intr Venous Injection Ultrasound Probe Conventional IVF Intra CytoplasmicSperm Injection ICSI Follicles Cyclogest Pessaries Progesterone

When you are ready to have your egg collection arranged, you will be given an instruction sheet telling you exactly what you need to do. Specially trained doctors perform egg collections in the clinic’s theatre. Your partner or another relative or friend is welcomed to be with you during the procedure to give you moral support.

First, a needle will be inserted into a vein in the back of your hand and you will be given an intravenous i...

Steps to IVF Treatment – Administration of drugs

04:04 6th November 2013 | In-Vitro Fertilisation

IVF Egg Collection Embryo Transfer IVF Drug Prescription IVF Drugs Buserelin Naferelin

There are several steps to IVF treatment and instructions to patients undergoing IVF. This article will help to alleviates some of the myths associated with IVF. Adhering to these instructions while undergoing IVF will increase.

Steps of IVF/Instructions to Patients undergoing treatment
a) Administration of drugs
b) Egg collection
c) Embryo Transfer
d) Pregnancy Test

Supply of Drugs
You will be given a prescription for differe...

More Factors Affecting IVF Treatment Outcome

04:05 9th October 2013 | IVF Treatment Factors

Treatment Outcome Factors Fibroids Infertility Hysteroscopy Uterine Fibroids Oestrogen Cesarean Delivery Hydrosalpinx Blocked Fallopian Tube

In the previous article, I started discussing factors affecting treatment outcome. This article concludes the first and discusses the remaining factors i.e. Fibroids, Fibroids and Infertility and Hydrosalpinx.

Fibroids are tumours that grow from the muscle tissue in the uterus. They are the most common kind of growths of the uterus and are generally benign, that is they are not cancerous . A woman may have just one fibroid o...

Factors Affecting Outcome of Treatment

04:07 2nd October 2013 | Successful Treatment

Infertility Treatment Female Partner Embryo Transfer Fibroids Assisted Conception IVF Patients Donor Eggs Miscarriage Healthy Baby Multiple Pregnancy

Over the next few posts, I will be discussing different factors affecting outcome of treatment. Couples need to be aware of certain factors affecting the success of infertility treatment namely: The age of Female partner, Number of Eggs/Embryos Transferred, Fibroids, Fibroids & Infertility and Hydrosalpinx. This article discusses the first two.

The age of the Female Partner
Whether a woman conceives naturally or by assisted concepti...

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