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Semen without Sperm- The Meaning of Azoospermia

Semen without Sperm- The Meaning of Azoospermia

17:36 2nd June 2020 | Motile Sperm

azoospermia testicles urethritis epididymitis groin injury Klinefelter’s syndrome testicular biopsy

Men who don’t have sperm in their semen have a condition called azoospermia. It happens to about 1% of all men and 15% of infertile men. There aren’t really any symptoms that you’d notice, but if you’ve been trying to get your partner pregnant without success, this condition could be the cause.

What is Tested in a Semen Analysis and Why

What is Tested in a Semen Analysis and Why

03:45 26th March 2017 | Male Fertility

semen sperm analysis male fertility male infertility diabetes azoospermia sperm count abnormal sperm FertilitySure FertilitySure For Men Klinefelter's Syndrome

Discover the importance of sperm analysis in understanding male infertility. Take control of your fertility journey for a brighter future.

Worried your bio clock is ticking? Here are your fertility options

Worried your bio clock is ticking? Here are your fertility options

10:06 20th October 2014 | Marriageable Age

Median Age Marriage FertilitySure Azoospermia Fertility Status

I was at a wedding this Saturday where the bride was a lovely 30 year old. It occurred to me that our generation is getting married much later than our parents’ generation did. My mother got married at 23 and was pregnant with her fourth child by 30.

The median age at which people get married has risen to 27 years and this has some implications on various factors; one of which is fertility.

So you find yourself getting older but y...

In-Vitro Fertilisation – An Overview

10:44 22nd May 2014 | In-Vitro Fertilisation

IVF In-Vitro Fertilisation Low Sperm Count Ovulation Problems Ovaries ICSI Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection Conceive Azoospermia Blastocysts

In-vitro fertlisation (IVF) means fertilisation “in glass” or outside the body. Typically the woman is given drugs to stimulate her ovaries to produce a lot of eggs, more than she ordinarily would in her natural cycle, which are collected by ultrasound guidance and fertilized with the man’s sperms outside the body. This process may be simple (conventional IVF) or require additional micromanipulation and injection of the sperm directly i...

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