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When it comes to costs, you have options

When it comes to costs, you have options

06:34 23rd June 2016 | Fertility Options

Cost Comparism Success Rate Fertility Clinics FertilitySure Assessment Accurate Treatment Plan Detailed Report IVF IMSI Advanced Care Cryopreservation FET Egg Donors IVF Clinics Prof.Zech Austria

Have you seen the cost comparisons and success rates on our website,which have compared us with other fertility clinics in Nigeria and around the world?

The first thing to understand is that all our costs do not necessarily apply to you and your partner. Our FertilitySure assessment programme has been designed to start with the basic tests and progress to more complex tests as may be required [hyperlink to FertilitySure Lite, Comprehe...

Is it ethical to transfer embryos before the 5th day?

03:07 12th January 2014 | Embryo Culture

Fertilisation Fallopian Tubes Natural Conception Fertilised Eggs Implantation IVF Treatment Cycle Embryo Transfer Day 5 5th Day Blatocyst Culture Conditions Quality Management System IVF Clinics Bridge Clinic Pregnancy

Fertilisation of the egg by the sperm occurs within the Fallopian tubes during a natural conception. The fertilised egg travels along the Fallopian tube to get to the uterus for implantation on the 5th day after fertilisation.

It has increasingly been shown that implantation rates and hence pregnancy rates are much higher when embryos are cultured to the fifth day before transfer in an IVF treatment cycle.

The risk, of course is t...

There is a potential risk of transmitting the HIV virus with ovum donation treatment

There is a potential risk of transmitting the HIV virus with ovum donation treatment

05:00 14th March 2013 | HIV

HIV Infected Person Positive HIV Test Three Months Window Screening Ovum Donor Sperm Donor Embryo Transfer HIV Virus Window Period Treatment Cycle Vitrification IVF Clinics Cryopreservation

It may take up to three months (window period) for an HIV infected person to develop a positive HIV test. This means that even though an ovum donor may screen negative at the time of embryo transfer into a recipient, there could be a risk of transmitting the HIV virus because the donor could be within this “window period”. The egg, like the sperm does not get infected with the HIV virus. Sperm is transferred with other cells that could ...

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