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Why do doctors prescribe progesterone supplements during IVF?

Why do doctors prescribe progesterone supplements during IVF?

18:23 9th February 2016 | Progesterone Supplements

Hormones Progesterone Menstrual Cycle Uterus Fertilised Eggs Embryo Implants Ovary Plancenta IVF Cycle Premature Ovulation Intramuscular Injection Vaginal Tablets Intravaginally Infertility Treatment Cycles Foetus Natural Progesterone Agents

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovary. It is first detected in the middle of the menstrual cycle when an egg is released and progesterone prepares the lining of the uterus to receive a fertilised egg. If pregnancy does not take place, the progesterone levels fall and the woman has a period. If an embryo implants into the lining of the uterus, the ovary will produce progesterone for eight weeks into the pregnancy. After that ti...

A Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) could Improve your Chances of Success in Subsequent Cycles

A Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) could Improve your Chances of Success in Subsequent Cycles

11:39 3rd July 2015 | Frozen Eggs

Frozen Embryo Successful Womb Transfer IVF Cycle Medication Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

Learn how Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) can boost IVF success rates. Explore the process and benefits

Couples may want to consider carrying out DNA testing on their babies after IVF treatment to confirm that they have the same genetics as the baby

Couples may want to consider carrying out DNA testing on their babies after IVF treatment to confirm that they have the same genetics as the baby

11:01 18th March 2014 | DNA Testing

IVF Treatment IVF Cycle Gametes Couples Female Fertility Egg Quality IVF Clinic Treatment Donated Eggs Informed Consent

One of the determinants of success in an IVF treatment cycle is the quality of gametes produced by the couples. There is a well-defined age related decline in female fertility and it is not unusual to have an egg quality issue especially when the woman is over 40 before presenting herself for IVF treatment. A good IVF clinic will discuss the prospects with the clients and then offer treatment with donated eggs after they have given info...

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