03:41 25th September 2017 | Hereditary Mutations
Inherited Mutations Prevent a Disease Prevention Disease Cure Human Embryos Dangerous Mutations Heart Disease DNA Mutations Moral Concerns Ethical Concerns Edited Embryos Uterus Fetus Women's Health Molecular Scissors Natural Defense System Human Application Bacterium Harmful Infections Virus Genetic diseases Chromosomal Abnormaliities Healthy Embryos Transfer Implantation PGD PGS
What if, instead of trying to prevent a disease – or attempting to cure it – it could just be eliminated, before birth? Surely the world as we know it would change forever, in practically countless ways?
One of the latest breakthroughs in science involved the editing of genes in a human embryo to safely remove a dangerous mutation which results in heart disease.
Some researchers and experts believe the procedure could one day be...
11:39 3rd July 2015 | Frozen Eggs
Frozen Embryo Successful Womb Transfer IVF Cycle Medication Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
Learn how Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) can boost IVF success rates. Explore the process and benefits
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