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Getting Pregnant with Tubal Blockage: Understanding your Options

Getting Pregnant with Tubal Blockage: Understanding your Options

15:12 2nd February 2021 | Tubal Blockage

Blocked tubes Tubal blockage Fallopian tubes

One of the commonest causes of infertility is tubal blockage, accounting for up to 30% of cases. Essentially, fallopian tubes must be open and have no swelling or scar tissue to perform optimally. With one healthy tube natural conception is certainly possible.

While Trying to Conceive, Exhaust All your Options

While Trying to Conceive, Exhaust All your Options

18:55 6th January 2021 | IVF

When a couple is ready to have children, they begin to question how long is too late and whether they should seek medical care. Also, navigating professional help can be overwhelming because you have to consider questions like ‘Where do we start looking?’, ‘Who do we talk to?’ ‘How credible the referrals are?’, ‘What facility should we visit?’ and so on.

Fighting the Stigma on World Fertility Day!

Fighting the Stigma on World Fertility Day!

19:54 28th November 2020 | Infertility - Stress

Infertility stress Stigmatization

In many cultures around the world, women who do not have children suffer from stigmatization, discrimination, and ostracism, even if the underlying cause lies in their male partners or husbands. It’s not always intentional, but it’s there.

Unravelling the Mystery behind Premature Ovarian Failure

Unravelling the Mystery behind Premature Ovarian Failure

16:50 27th September 2020 | Ovulatory Disorders

premature ovarian failure Primary ovarian insufficiency premature menopause Period

Primary ovarian insufficiency is sometimes confused with premature menopause, but these conditions aren't the same. Women with primary ovarian insufficiency can have irregular or occasional periods for years and might even get pregnant. But women with premature menopause stop having periods and can't become pregnant.

FAILED IVF CYCLES – Why they happen and why they should never break you

FAILED IVF CYCLES – Why they happen and why they should never break you

09:40 20th August 2020 | Failed Cycle

failed cycle lost hope IVF complications

Having the problem of infertility is enough a burden to deal with. The pain. The waiting. The periods you wished they’d come but never did. The countless pregnancy sticks that only displayed one line instead of your highly anticipated two lines. The symptoms that mimicked pregnancy but were only hormonal fluctuations in your body. The people who dropped “innocent” comments about you wasting time to get pregnant and reminding you of your biological clock… (Read more)

It Takes Two to Tango and Make a Baby

It Takes Two to Tango and Make a Baby

10:42 6th July 2020 | Love and Marriage

love marriage infertility

A couple's guide to ensuring intimacy is not lost in your quest for a baby...

Semen without Sperm- The Meaning of Azoospermia

Semen without Sperm- The Meaning of Azoospermia

17:36 2nd June 2020 | Motile Sperm

azoospermia testicles urethritis epididymitis groin injury Klinefelter’s syndrome testicular biopsy

Men who don’t have sperm in their semen have a condition called azoospermia. It happens to about 1% of all men and 15% of infertile men. There aren’t really any symptoms that you’d notice, but if you’ve been trying to get your partner pregnant without success, this condition could be the cause.

How are Your Swimmers Doing?

How are Your Swimmers Doing?

16:45 19th May 2020 | Motile Sperm

Oligospermia Decreased facial or body hair erectile dysfunction Varicocele Chromosome defects Celiac disease Depression

A low sperm count is also called oligospermia (ol-ih-go-SPUR-me-uh). A complete absence of sperm is called azoospermia. Your sperm count is considered lower than normal if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen. Having a low sperm count decreases the odds that one of your sperm will fertilize your partner's egg, resulting in pregnancy. Nonetheless, many men who have low sperm count are still able to father a child.

Keep calm and be happy!

Keep calm and be happy!

15:16 3rd May 2020 | COVID-19

COVID-19 Online Consultation Stay Safe Stop the Spread Coronavirus Great Service Centre yourself Be Calm

In times like these, it is important to remember it is OK to feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, lonely or frustrated and that everyone reacts differently. Remember, this situation is temporary and, for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass.

Top 6 Reasons Why an Online Appointment is Best for You

Top 6 Reasons Why an Online Appointment is Best for You

13:49 3rd May 2020 | COVID-19

COVID-19 Online Consultation Stay Safe Stop the Spread Coronavirus Great Service Convenience Safety

With Bridge Clinic, social distancing, quarantine or self-isolation rules do not need to get in the way of your fertility dreams. The ultra-simple solution of simply booking an online appointment is our way of getting you one step closer to making this dream a reality.

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