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Natural Conception and Causes of Infertility

Natural Conception and Causes of Infertility

04:52 14th May 2013 | Unexplained Infertility

Natural Conception Intercourse Sperm Vagina Womb Cervix Uterus Fallopian Tubes Ovaries Ovulation Fertilisation Foetus Fertile Couples Normal Sperm Pregnancy Male Infertility Female Infertility Fertilised Eggs Maximal Infertility Basic Investigations Tubal Patency Semen Test Falloposcopy Semen Function Cummulative Risk Pelvic Infection Environmental Toxins

Before a couple can achieve conception naturally, they must have intercourse and during this process, the man ejaculates, that is, releases his sperm into the woman’s vagina. The sperms swim through the neck of womb (the cervix) into the uterus and down the fallopian tubes where, hopefully, the sperms will meet an egg that has been released from the women’s ovaries if intercourse coincides with ovulation. Fertilization may occur with a ...

From 6 million eggs to 800,000 at Puberty – How Come?

04:53 7th May 2013 | Motherhood

Mother's Womb Eggs Immature Eggs Puberty Egg Loss Conception Menopause

Sometime in ago we mentioned the decline in the amount of eggs in a female from birth to puberty on  Bridge Clinic Facebook page and this generated interesting comments. I have thus decided to shed more light on this phenomenon here.

In actual fact, a baby girl still in her mother’s womb has about 6-7 million eggs. By birth, the average woman is born with approximately 1.5 million immature eggs. This reduces to about 800,000 at pube...

Treating Ovulatory Abnormalities

04:53 12th April 2013 | Ovulatory Abnormalities

Ovulatory Problems Conception Physical Examination Detailed History Pregnancy Treatment Appropriate Counselling Menarche Life Style Modification Regular Ovulation Nutritional Disorders IVF PCOS

Treating Ovulatory Abnormalities
The treatment of ovulatory problems is guided by the woman’s desire to get pregnant. Some women may only be desirous of seeing their periods while the majority of women are primarily interested in getting pregnant immediately or at least in their ability to conceive in near future.  It is important to understand the underlining condition that is responsible for the ovulatory abnormality with detailed hist...

Male Infertility

04:55 9th April 2013 | Semen Parameters

Male Fertility Infertility Virility Fecundity Erection Orgasm Conception Unprotected Sexual Intercourse Investigations WHO Sperm Count Abnormal Sperms Motility Teratozoospermia Morphology Normozoospermia

Infertility has always been considered a problem that affects women because after all “it is the woman that did not get pregnant.” Increasingly it is becoming clear that a lot of these women are not getting pregnant because “the man is not getting them pregnant”. The situation is even more interesting in that most men confuse “virility” with “fecundity”.

Most men believe that virility, the ability to achieve and sustain an erection an...

Further Thoughts on Male Infertility

04:56 7th April 2013 | Sperm Count

Male Fertility WHO Fertility Level Sperm Count Fertile Woman Pregnancy Younger Women Sperm Samples Regression Biological Variables

This vagueness about the definition of male infertility is an important point. A study carried out in New York a few years ago showed that 50% of men carrying their babies out of maternity hospitals have low sperm count according to the WHO parameters discussed in the previous post.

As a result, it is important to take into consideration the female when defining male infertility. This is because the fertility level of the female affec...

Total Normal Motile Count

Total Normal Motile Count

04:56 7th April 2013 | Motile Sperm

Sperm Count Normal Motile Sperms Fallopian Tubes IVF Fertilisation Chromosomal Abnormalities Klinefelters Syndrome Undescended Testes Normal Sperm Production Dilatation Infertility Semen Parameters

The importance of sperm count is explained in the concept of the total normal motile count. This is the total amount of sperms that are normal and also motile that is available to fertilise the eggs. There is evidence that following intercourse only about 15% of the total normal motile sperms get to the site of fertilisation of the egg in the fallopian tubes. We also know from our experience with IVF that we need approximately 200,000 s...

Are You Planning to Get Pregnant?

Are You Planning to Get Pregnant?

04:59 15th March 2013 | Conception

Pregnancy Healthy Baby Healthy Mother Intercourse Ovulation Menstral Cycle Fertility Sexual Performance Gyneacologist BMI Ideal Body Weight Balanced Diet Pregnant Woman Folic Acid Exercise Sleep

The goal of every pregnancy is the delivery of a healthy baby to a healthy mother. However, this journey to motherhood can be made easier and healthier when it is well planned and prepared for. Several factors affect the ease of getting pregnant as well as the health of both mother and baby in pregnancy and afterwards. Planning your pregnancy helps you avoid or reduce pregnancy complications, give birth to a healthier baby, recover fast...

There is a potential risk of transmitting the HIV virus with ovum donation treatment

There is a potential risk of transmitting the HIV virus with ovum donation treatment

05:00 14th March 2013 | HIV

HIV Infected Person Positive HIV Test Three Months Window Screening Ovum Donor Sperm Donor Embryo Transfer HIV Virus Window Period Treatment Cycle Vitrification IVF Clinics Cryopreservation

It may take up to three months (window period) for an HIV infected person to develop a positive HIV test. This means that even though an ovum donor may screen negative at the time of embryo transfer into a recipient, there could be a risk of transmitting the HIV virus because the donor could be within this “window period”. The egg, like the sperm does not get infected with the HIV virus. Sperm is transferred with other cells that could ...

Psychological Impact of Infertility

05:02 11th February 2013 | Child Bearing Stigma

Nigerian Women Natural Victims Child Bearing Family Assumptions Couple Credible Specialist Parenthood

It is the natural desire for most couples to have their own children. This is particularly relevant in Nigeria where the premium placed on childbearing is so high that they become necessary to secure the marital union in harmony. Having to deal with infertility can be emotionally challenging and consuming. As mentioned earlier we natural assume our fertility is intact as we grow up and it is often confusing and overwhelming when we cann...

Why is IVF Important – Part I

05:03 11th January 2013 | Common Infertility Pain

Couples Childlessness Deafening Silence Children Marriage Pressure Unanswered Questions Natural Conception Pregnancy Hormones Oestrogen Progesterone Testosterone Reproductive Organs FSH LH

For the last 14 years we have seen couples come through our doors from different parts of the world, some known to us personally and others absolute strangers, sharing a common pain and an equally common need. One of our earliest couples, who had been married for 7 years without having a child, referred to the “deafening silence” in their home brought on by the absence of the noise of children. They went on to have 4 beautiful children ...

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