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Infertility during the Holidays- How to Cope

Infertility during the Holidays- How to Cope

13:59 1st November 2021 | Infertility

Infertility Holiday Blues Miracles in little packages Miracles take time

Navigate infertility and nurse an anticipating heart this festive season.

You are What You Eat, Gentlemen!

You are What You Eat, Gentlemen!

18:01 15th October 2021 | Male Fertility

Male Fertility Male Infertility

Men of reproductive age presenting with sperm disorders are usually counselled to stay on antioxidants. Is this counsel overrated? What exactly are antioxidants and why are they so important? Furthermore, asides the pills, is there a way we can have a complete change in dietary patterns in other to achieve the same goals? All of these and much more will be addressed. Read on...

The Role of the Fertility Nurse in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

The Role of the Fertility Nurse in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

17:41 23rd August 2021 | IVF

Nursing IVF ART

Imagine having to travel to a distant and foreign land with new languages, food and culture to pick and adapt to, the fertility nurse here is your “tour guide” and special advocate or guardian. Your fertility nurse would help you settle in quite easily, unjumble all the cluster of IVF terminologies you might have picked up while having a consultation with the fertility specialist or consultant and help you understand these terms and how it implies to/ affects you.

 From Infection Challenges to Fertility Success!

From Infection Challenges to Fertility Success!

18:34 11th August 2021 | infection

STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections Infections and fertilty

The thought of having an STI is often met by some sort of repulsion. There is a feeling of guilt associated with it, sometimes people think about it as though it denotes some sort of sexual promiscuity. In truth, that is quite far from the reality. Studies have shown that about 1 in 2 people will get at least one STI or another in their lifetime.

The Art of Patience for Parents-in-Waiting

The Art of Patience for Parents-in-Waiting

10:46 29th June 2021 | Infertility - Stress

Parents in waiting trying to conceive ttc Patience

We all desire to have good things in life. For some people, one of those good things is having children of their own. When trying to start a family, some may experience a slight delay while others may have to wait a long time. In both situations – waiting is one of the hardest things about the journey.

The Miracle of Conception by Proxy

The Miracle of Conception by Proxy

10:36 29th June 2021 | surrogacy

Most married couples long for the joy of parenthood. Unfortunately, not all of them are able to conceive naturally due to various factors or impediments in either or both males and females. Infertility brings untoward consequences and great burdens on marriages and couples; more so when there seems to be no way around the cause of their challenges with fertility.

Preventing Miscarriages through IVF

Preventing Miscarriages through IVF

18:27 26th April 2021 | Miscarriage


Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 28th week in our clime, however, in developed countries, it is after 20 weeks due to survival and availability of adequate neonatal systems.

Dealing with Male Infertility

Dealing with Male Infertility

18:23 26th April 2021 | Male Fertility

In this part of the world, more emphasis is laid on the female partner as the culprit in the challenge of fertility. However, the crucial factor of male infertility is on the rise and is a vital contributor to the prevalence of infertility.

Overcoming Female Causes of Infertility

Overcoming Female Causes of Infertility

14:09 14th April 2021 | Causes of Female Infertility

female fertility infertility

There is a popular short story: Boy meets girl. They fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. In the African context, boy and girl have plenty of babies, in fact, 9 months later, relatives intend to come visiting to look after the newborns they hope will be present.

Can my Age affect my Fertility?

Can my Age affect my Fertility?

13:26 16th March 2021 | Infertility

fertility age chances of conception

A woman's best reproductive years are in her late teens and twenties. While many older men can father a child, male fertility starts to gradually decline from age 40 as semen volume and quality starts to decline, and time to pregnancy increases.

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