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How to Prepare for and Cope with Failed IVF

How to Prepare for and Cope with Failed IVF

09:32 27th March 2018 | Fertility Treatment

Conception Fertility Treatments IVF PGD PGS IVF Procedure Failed IVF IVF Success Rate

Once a couple starts trying to conceive they are usually excited and filled with hope. They have dreams and plans... which do not include struggling or failing to fall pregnant.

However, for many couples, fertility treatments are the only option for conception and the physical procedures are only one part of the process.

Fertility treatments have helped millions of couples and individuals around the world, but not all treatments are...

Do You Know About Our Fit-for-Pregnancy Service?

Do You Know About Our Fit-for-Pregnancy Service?

21:21 9th December 2017 | Pre-Pregancy Service

Miracles Babies Medical Assistance Conception Fit For Pregnancy General Check-Up Pregnancy Planning Basic Examinations

Planning to get pregnant and falling pregnant are two different things. Sometimes miracles happen and babies are born without complications or medical assistance to conceive. However, when you start planning for pregnancy there are a few essential steps you can take to make the journey easier and safer for you and your future baby.

Bridge Clinic Medicentre now offers Fit-for-Pregnancy – a pre-pregnancy service ideal for the following ...

What are Hereditary Conditions and Why Can PGD Help?

What are Hereditary Conditions and Why Can PGD Help?

15:55 3rd March 2017 | Inherited Genes

Hereditary Conditions Defective Genes Conception Metabolic Disorder Genetic Disorder Speech Difficulty Intellectual Disability Multiple Organ Damage Defective Gene Defective Enzymes High Cholesterol Levels Cardiovascular Disease Muscle Degeneration Sperm Production Miscarriage Still Births PGD IVF Embryos Hereditary Disease

EmbryosHereditary conditions are diseases or disorders that are inherited genetically, in other words, defective genes that are passed on from a parent (or parents) to a child through conception.

Two examples of hereditary diseases that you might have heard of include muscular dystrophy and Down syndrome. Here are a few examples of hereditary conditions with brief descriptions:

Galactosemia : Complications of this metabolic disord...

Stress and infertility

Stress and infertility

03:25 24th June 2016 | Infertility - Stress

Stress Pressure Anxiety Fertility Treatment Conception Infertility PGD PGS IVF Welcome Forum

You cannot get pregnant and your partner can’t deal with it. You can’t deal with it either, if the truth be told. You both want to start a family but the more you try, the worse it gets. Stress is eating you up and while you don’t want to play the blame game, it is difficult not to when the stakes are so high. And the stakes are high when it comes to having, or not having, a baby in the Nigerian society. A woman is expected to produce a...

Separating the facts from the fiction.

Separating the facts from the fiction.

02:23 1st June 2016 | Myths of Infertility

Age Poor Nutrition Smoking Food Caffeine Stress Alcohol Chemicals Conception

There are so many myths and old wives’tales surrounding pregnancy. Some things make good sense while others are do not make much sense. How do we know which to believe? We take a look.

Age matters

Yes. Age is the number one variable affecting fertility. The age of first pregnancies is increasing worldwide and the most common cause of infertility in a woman is her ovarian reserve which decreases markedly as she ages.

Poor nutri...

Can the right diet help you to conceive?

Can the right diet help you to conceive?

05:54 11th March 2016 | Diet & Fertility

Diet Conception Ovulatory Function Vegetarianism Healthy Fats Plant Based Foods Reproductive Hormones Multivitamins

Much has been said about whether the correct diet can help you conceive and the consensus from reputable sources is yes it can. According to a study of diet and fertility from Harvard Medical School, eating certain foods and avoiding others are things you can do yourself to help improve your ovulatory function.

You should eat more complex or good carbohydrates and limit highly processed ones. Good carbohydrates are those which contain...

Improving your chances of conceiving naturally

Improving your chances of conceiving naturally

20:58 9th February 2016 | Conception

Conception Natural Conception Unprotected Sex Fertility Intercourse

Conceiving naturally is the ideal way of getting pregnant and there are several things you can do to improve your chances of becoming pregnant this way. First of all,make sure that you are in the best of health. Get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables and stop smoking. Take your vitamins and enjoy life with your partner. If you have any niggly health problems, visit your doctor an...

6 Things You Should Know About Ovulation

6 Things You Should Know About Ovulation

10:15 20th August 2014 | Ovulation

Conception Sex Female Reproduction Female Fertility Ovulated Eggs

Learn 6 essential facts about ovulation to boost your chances of conception and plan your family.

Why does IVF not always lead to a pregnancy?

04:08 25th September 2013 | Unsuccessful IVF Outcome

Negative Outcome IVF Pregnancy Unanswered Questions Anxious Couple Financial Investment Human Reproduction Embryo Transfer 2nd Cycle IVF Process Failed Treatment Conception

Why does IVF not always lead to a pregnancy? This is a question that couples who fail to conceive after a lot of financial and emotional investment ask frequently. Human reproduction is extremely complex. Following embryo transfer, the embryos must continue to develop and divide in a programmed manner. The cells that are supposed to form the different parts of the body migrate in that direction and abnormal development arrests further p...

From 6 million eggs to 800,000 at Puberty – How Come?

04:53 7th May 2013 | Motherhood

Mother's Womb Eggs Immature Eggs Puberty Egg Loss Conception Menopause

Sometime in ago we mentioned the decline in the amount of eggs in a female from birth to puberty on  Bridge Clinic Facebook page and this generated interesting comments. I have thus decided to shed more light on this phenomenon here.

In actual fact, a baby girl still in her mother’s womb has about 6-7 million eggs. By birth, the average woman is born with approximately 1.5 million immature eggs. This reduces to about 800,000 at pube...

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